In between sunrise and s’mores, camp days are packed with activities. At Camp Friendship, we have over 35 different activities for campers to choose from! Activity choice is one of the unique ways our campers get to express their independence and explore their interests while at summer camp.
How We Do Activities
Over the years, our activity choices have always been an integral part of life at Camp Friendship. Our daily schedule is designed to offer campers the opportunity to experience personalized programming as well as exposure to diversified camp activities. Campers pick their own path by selecting both Specialty Activities and Village Activities to fill each day. We encourage adventuring of all kinds and offer campers the chance to experience guided practice that feels like games but turns into valuable growth.
Specialty Activities – Campers choose their Specialty Activities prior to arrival and on Monday morning, they will receive a personalized morning schedule for the week. Specialty Activities are the same all week, giving campers the chance to progress their skills and dig deeper into their interests.
Village Activities – In the afternoons, campers will have a choice between two different Village Activities each day. These will be selected upon arrival at camp and experienced with peers that live in their village. These activities are perfect for campers who want to try out all of the camp classics like Archery, Tie Dye, even Fire Building, but aren’t sure they want to participate in it for their whole week at camp. It’s also a perfect chance for our seasoned campers to revisit a former favorite activity like Mountain Boarding or Canoeing.
These activities, in addition to a daily Free Swim and Evening Activity, give campers the opportunity to try so many different things!
Here’s an example of what a daily activity schedule might look like:

Most Popular Specialty Activities
Archery is an all-time favorite camp activity at Camp Friendship, so we have two archery ranges—one for Seniors and one for Juniors.
Nock an arrow…take aim…release, and cross your fingers for a bullseye! Archery teaches campers how to safely shoot a bow and arrow, but it’s also an enjoyable sport that naturally improves aim, accuracy, and hand-eye coordination.
Another popular activity is pottery. Campers who choose pottery as a camp activity can glaze their pieces and take them home to use until they create their next masterpiece next summer.
We offer two forms of pottery to choose from: flat and wheel. In our Pottery Flat activity, Junior campers create free form pottery in any size or shape imaginable. In the Pottery Wheel activity, Senior campers sculpt unique bowls, cups, and vases with the help of an electric wheel.
Get the chance to explore the entirety of Friendship Lake as a team with your canoe partner and practice a variety of strokes to help you navigate around the fountain, docks and bridges. You’ll learn how to control the canoe from various positions and play awesome canoe games that are bound to have you coming back for more.
Unique Camp Activities
Challenge Course
Camp Friendship’s Challenge Course activity is perfect for campers who enjoy problem-solving, strategizing, teamwork and fun! Campers will need to work as a team to navigate the spider’s web, climb the bouldering wall and cross Mt. Friendship before the volcano erupts! These Low Ropes elements may not be as high as our High Ropes elements, but they’re no less challenging!

Mountain Boarding
The ultimate camp adrenaline rush for all ages, Mountain Boarding is an exciting cross between snowboarding and skateboarding. Grab your board and take on Overlook Hill with all its challenging mounds and dips!
Wilderness Survival
Do you think you could be the next Bear Grylls? Get all the skills you’ll need to survive out in the wild. From how to build a fire with flint and steel to how to make a shelter, this activity will prepare you for the unknown!
For more detailed information about the activities we offer at Camp Friendship, check out our Activities page.
Free Swim
Every day, weather permitting, campers will get the chance to cool off at Friendship Lake or our swimming pool. Whether you’re trying the zip line at the lake or playing four square in the pool, free swim is the splashiest time of day.
Don’t feel like swimming? No problem! Our counselors love making sandcastles on the beach, playing a fun game of Spikeball, or challenging campers to a game of Uno. In water or out of it, Free Swim is never boring.
Evening Activities
In addition to Specialty and Village Activities, each camp day ends with a unique Evening Activity because the fun doesn’t stop when the sun goes down! Some of Camp Friendship’s favorite evening activities include Slip ‘n Slide, Capture the Flag, and Campfire at the Campitheater.
Thursday’s Evening Activity is the Dance! Everyone is invited to dress up in a fun costume and dance the night away. While the themes can change every summer, some of our favorites are Wild West, Beachfront Boogie, and of course, the Neon Glow dance.
Evening Activities are the cherry on top of a perfect camp day full of your favorite activities!
Our Philosophy
We believe that kids should be empowered to try new things at camp. Camp Friendship campers are guided and supported by our enthusiastic camp counselors whose focus is on each child’s development. During camp activities, counselors serve as each camper’s cheerleader, coach, and above all, their friend.