Make your special day unforgettable.
Camp Friendship offers a wide variety of welcoming facilities that can accommodate your wedding in the spring or fall. From camp activities for guests, ceremony, cocktail hour, reception and overnight lodging, we offer a rustic wedding venue a little off the beaten path. Located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, you and your guests will enjoy over 600 acres of rolling hills, woods, lake and fields by the Rivanna River. Located a short drive from Charlottesville and Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, Camp Friendship provides everything you need to make your camp wedding an unforgettable weekend event.
Let us be your something blue!

Colonial Florist and Antiques | Donna Sherwood-Graves, (540) 832-3611, colonialfloristandantiques.com
Foxtail Cottage Floral | Karen Thorsey, (434) 823-7272, foxtailcottagefloral.com
Hedge Fine Blooms | Karen Walker, (434) 293-8825, hedgefineblooms.com
Flower Farms
Locally grown DIY flowers and herbs by the bucket or small-scale service.
Foothills Flower Farm | The Davis Family, (434) 218-2019, foothillsflower.com
Forrest Green Farm | The Rahm Family, (434) 989-8517, forrestgreenfarm.com
Blue Heron Farm | Beverly Lacey, (434) 989-8517,
The Bluebird Barn | Justine Platt, (434) 284-2654,
Spring Creek Blooms | Susanna Byrd, (434) 806-1723, springcreekblooms.com
Courage & Co Photography | (703)-220-8049, couragecophoto.com
Sarah Boller Photography | (434)-242-1272, sbphotographs.com
Jack Looney Photography | (434)-249-6266, jacklooney.com
Rob Garland Photographers | (434)-975-6377, www.garlandstudiosonline.com
Tom Daly Photography | (434)-409-3287, tomdalyphotography.com
Silver Streak Weddings | Mike Silverman, (434) 996-0215, silverstreakweddings.com
Toast Wedding Films | Tyler Oates, (833) 888-6278, toastweddingfilms.com
K&Z Film – Wedding Cinema | Karlo and Zadie, (443) 763-6953, knzfilm.com
Piximpress Productions | Henry Saint-Jean, piximpress.com
Photo Booths
Marigold Bus and Booth | Sarah Sta. Ana, (248) 895-3031, marigoldbusandbooth.com
Vivi’s Cakes & Cupcakes | (434) 244-4025,
Chandler’s Bakery | Sam Pelletier, (434) 975-2253, chandlersbakery.com
Maliha Creations | Anita Gupta, (434) 973-3183, malihacreations.com
Gearharts Fine Chocolates | (434) 972-9100, gearhartschocolates.com
Charlottesville Wine and Country Shop | (434) 295-0306, charlottesvillewineandcountryliving.com
Sweet Art Emporium | Erika Mitchell, (434) 882-2087,
RVA Cookie Co. | Lily Elias, (804) 928-9425, rvacookieco.com
Stonegate Event Rentals | Ben Morris, (434) 260-1821, , stonegateeventrentals.com
MS Events | Beth Shimmon, (434) 984-1155, mseventscville.com
Virginia Tent Rental | Lee and Tracy, (434) 296-7595, , vatentrental.com
Sarah Ackenbom | Camp Friendship, (434) 589-8950,
Katie Teel Events | Katie Teel, (434) 960-8201, katieteelevents.com
Little Black Book Events | Vanessa Young, (202) 813-9707, llbconcierge.com
Marriage Commissioner/Officiant | Lisa Barnes Rogers, (434) 531-0064,
Dave Norris | (434) 242-5165, letdavemarryyou.com
Event Insurance
Wedsafe Insurance | (877) 723-3933, wedsafe.com
ABC Banquet License
ABC | Charlottesville – Region 9, (434) 977-2974, abc.virginia.gov/ebanquet/public/welcome.do
Mobile Go Bar | (434) 409-5033, mobilegobar.com
Cocktails with Class | Terri Morris, (434) 294-1338,
Farmacy | Jessica Hogan, (434) 722-5085, farmacy.guru
Good Waffles & Co. | Danielle Stitz, (434) 327-9827, goodwafflesco.com
Firefly on the Fly | Jamie Jacobs, (434) 227-3761, www.fireflycville.com
Blue Ridge Pizza Co. | Jay and Melissa Johnson, (434) 373-5370,
Sincerely Sarah Studios | Sarah Tisdale, sincerelysarahstudios.com
If So Inklined | Jen Maton, (401) 207-4644, ifsoinklined.com
Rock Paper Scissors | Heather Haynie, (434) 979-6366, thinkrpscville.com
Camryn Executive Transportation | Barbara, (434) 990-9070, camryn-limo.com
Monticello Wine Tour and Coach | Kate Farley, (434) 260-7143, monticellowinetour.com
Sealed With a Kiss | Jessica Jarrell, (434) 979-5683, sealedwithakissbridal.com
Blue Ridge Bow Ties | Craig Kompelien, (434) 942-6753, blueridgebowties.com
Moxie | (434)-979-5556, moxiehairlounge.com
Charlottesville Makeup Artist | Anne Kibler, (571) 237-6650, charlottesvillemakeupartist.com
Face Value Salon | Jessica Watkins, (434) 823-2009, facevaluestudio.com
Sam Hill Entertainment Bands | Katie Merritt, (434) 977-6665, samhillbands.com
Garland Studios | John Garland, (434) 293-3332, , www.garlandstudiosonline.com
Sound Enforcement DJ Service | T.D. Layman, (434) 531-3202, soundenforcement.com
DJ Tobler | Derek Tobler, 434 296-6689, djtobler.com
Plum Blossom Music | Peter Markush, (434) 295-6367, plumblossommusic.com
Tara Mills Band | Tara Mills, taramillsmusic.com
Encore Quartet | Jennifer Myer, (434) 284-3218, encorequartet.com
Celtic Harp | Eve Watters, (434) 823-8600, evewatters.com
Best Western Plus | Zion Crossroads, (540) 832-1700, bestwestern.com
Hilton Garden Inn | Pantops/Charlottesville, (434) 979-4442, hiltongardeninn3.hilton.com
Local AirBnBs
Home in Palmyra | Emma, www.airbnb.com/homeinpalmyra
The Cottage at Fruit Hill Orchard | Abigail, www.airbnb.com/rooms/42754706
Southern Charm | Cecelia, www.airbnb.com/h/oursoutherncharm